Whether you like it or not, the only way to fuck COVID off is to get vaccinated. So let’s get to it! Another lockdown? Masks? No dancing at weddings? FUCK OFF! We can stop all this if we just get the jab!


As a bunch of creatives and performers that rely on pubs, bars and live entertainment to remain open, we want COVID to fuck off! Every lockdown hurts, but with JobKeeper finished and government assistance drying up, there are creatives and performers that struggle to make ends meet when they don’t have an audience to perform to.


Help spread the message by buying some Far Cough COVID merch. At the same time, you’ll be supporting a bunch of creatives hit hard by the recent lockdowns. You might even help influence someone to get vaccinated sooner, so we can all just say FUCK OFF to this virus once and for all.


Wear it proudly. Tell your friends. Get into an argument with an anti-vaxxer. Just help us spread the message, not the virus.


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